Part 23: Goon Playthrough - Part 23

If Carmosa didn't appoint someone, doesn't that mean she didn't find it necessary to leave anyone in charge? Maybe she thought we'd actually be able to handle ourselves for two days. This is a rare chance! We're free of her rule for a little bit. We should enjoy it instead of arguing about it.

You see? Even Cinders figured it out. With Carmosa gone, we're getting a break. You don't have to ruin our fun with your sad imitation of her.

Both of you are hopeless. Your rebellious behavior is exactly why someone needs to take charge. But I suppose I can't stop you. Go ahead and have your fun, if you're so smart and responsible.

Cut it out! Aren't we ignoring the more important matter at hand? Why on earth did Carmosa leave so early without saying anything? Doesn't that seem suspicious?

It's not as if Mother ever tells us anything. Even we don't know what she does.

Do you think this had anything to do with that strange man who came by yesterday?

All I know is that it's none of our business. Now if neither of you are going to help me, get out of here and leave me alone.

Let's get out of here, Cinders. Our audience with her MAJESTY is clearly over.

Well, what do you plan on doing with your day?

I'm not sure. I might go into town. There are a few things I've been meaning to do.

Good luck getting Gloria's permission for that. You'd be better off just sneaking out on your own.

You mean you won't tell her if I go?

Why would I do that? I want no part in Gloria's delusions of power, and I don't care what you do.

Maybe sneaking out is a good idea, then. I'll think about it. I'm hungry, though. I need to eat first.

You made breakfast for me?

I cooked for myself already, and making extra for you was no trouble.

Thank you. That was very kind of you.

I wouldn't read into it too much. I only did it because it was easy.

Haha, of course. Well, thank you anyway.

It sure would be nice if every day could be like this. I guess that's just a silly dream, though. I wonder what I should do today. It would definitely be the perfect day to go into town. I could talk with that woman, Madame Ghede, or go see Tobias. I'm especially curious to know about what was going on that night when I saw him. Tobias has some explaining to do, and this time he won't get away.
Well, there's no sense in waiting around. I should get going!